Kirim SMS Lucu Lagi
Say…kau adalah idaman hatiku.
Say…tanpamu hidupku terasa hampa
Say… aku sungguh menginginkanmu.
Merasakan da menikmatimu.
Sayur bayam seikat berapa, ya?
Menurut cowok mata keranjang, cinta itu
Seperti HP. Love is like Nokia: connecting
people. Like Nike : just do it. Like Pepsi : ask
for more. Like Samsung: Every body is invited!
Money can buy a house, but not a home.
Money can buy aclock but not the time.
Money can but sex but not love. So pass me
All ur money n let me suffer 4 U….!
Ternyata Indonesia sudah dari dulu
Terbiasa dengan terror. Buktinya nenek kita
Sudah gak aneh dengan ayam, terror
Bebek, terror puyuh, terror dadar, terror
Asin, sampai reror mata sapi!
tag : kumpulan SMS lucu, sms cinta lucu,tips sms lucu,sms gokil, sms gila lucu , sms sayang lucu, emoticons lucu,sms buat sahabat, sms teman, Funny SMS, Fannies SMS, send sms from frienfs, send sms funny
Say…kau adalah idaman hatiku.
Say…tanpamu hidupku terasa hampa
Say… aku sungguh menginginkanmu.
Merasakan da menikmatimu.
Sayur bayam seikat berapa, ya?
Menurut cowok mata keranjang, cinta itu
Seperti HP. Love is like Nokia: connecting
people. Like Nike : just do it. Like Pepsi : ask
for more. Like Samsung: Every body is invited!
Money can buy a house, but not a home.
Money can buy aclock but not the time.
Money can but sex but not love. So pass me
All ur money n let me suffer 4 U….!
Ternyata Indonesia sudah dari dulu
Terbiasa dengan terror. Buktinya nenek kita
Sudah gak aneh dengan ayam, terror
Bebek, terror puyuh, terror dadar, terror
Asin, sampai reror mata sapi!
tag : kumpulan SMS lucu, sms cinta lucu,tips sms lucu,sms gokil, sms gila lucu , sms sayang lucu, emoticons lucu,sms buat sahabat, sms teman, Funny SMS, Fannies SMS, send sms from frienfs, send sms funny