SMS Lucu

Want to earn money from IDR 50 per day from
Coca-cola? Easy way.
Collect cap coca-cola bottle, nail into the wood.
Shake at crossroads as he sang ....

This dog, is dog, a dog, goo dog, way dog,
2 dog, keep dog, an dog, idot dog, busy dog,
4 dog, 20 dog, second dog! Now dog,
Now, read without the word dog.

Eh, percuma deh lo baca SMS ini. Udah dibilang
Jangan baca kok msh dibaca?yeee!
Bisa dikasih tau baik-baik tidak?!ini SMS gak perlu

tag: sms lucu, sms ngakak,kumpulan sms lucu, kumpulan sms gokil
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