Tukang roti ditabrak metro mini. Polisi datang & bertanya.
“ada apa pak?” Tukang roti yg udah sekarat menjawab
“ada rasa nanas,keju, cokelat sama rasa mocca.”

Hi. Could U fax me Ur photo very urgently?
Mind U, its relly very urgent, damn serious
And very important… I’m playing card and
We’ve misplaced the JOKER.

Waktu aku kirim SMS ini km gk perlu ngebales kirim jg.
Kamu kan bisa kirim pizza, brownies, es krim, coklat,
Duit atau yang lainnya…SILAKAN.

Kucing kurus mandi di papan.
Minta ikan dikasih kue cucur.
Bukan salah lo dibilang muke jamban.
Klo cemberut muke lo tambah ancur.

Once god came up to me N ngranted me awish.
I asked for “world peace.”that’s impossble”. God said.
Then I asked god to give U brains.
Sadly God said,”Let me try worl peace…”
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